Cannes à 2 mains - Spey/Switch Echo - Série King - Cannes à 2 mains

Our West Coast Chinook Salmon fly fishers are a hard core lot. Fishing everyday in a multitude of environments, thus developing specific ideas of what they want and what works for these notoriously tough fish. Their input was huge in helping Tim with the design and function of these new Echo King rods. First, the length needed to remain at 13 feet, giving the rod a crisp casting feel, and great leverage for fighting large ocean shouldered fish. Next was the power to cast the heaviest Intruder style flies, largest Skagit heads, and mega sink tips, while maintaining casting and fishing ease that all Echo two handed rods are noted for. It was not overly easy to design a rod capable of turning a 50 lb king, and still cast easily and smoothly. But Tim with his rod designing skills, his over-engineering personality, and casting dynamics knowledge took the challenge to heart and made the impossible happen. All the criteria put forth for the perfect "King Rod" has been met and amazingly exceeded. Tidal zones, large brawling rivers, or smaller streams, these Echo King rods will seal the deal. Striper anglers are just as excited as the "Nook" anglers because of the rods power for overhead casting from rocky shorelines.

KING Rods feature:

  • New multi layer HD cork handle and butt
  • Low maintenance full metal reel seat
  • TiCH low profile stripping guides
  • Heavy duty chrome snake guides
  • Heavy duty chrome tip top
  • Midnight Black gloss blank
  • Dark red wraps with metallic red trim
  • No roll, square rod tube
  • Ultra durable blanks
  • Alignment dots for quick assembly
  • Echo lifetime warranty


Série cannes Echo à deux mains - KING

Modèles Longueur Capacité
de brins
Poignée Action
K - 9130 13'0" 9 4 MED FAST
K - 10130 13'0" 10 4 MED FAST


Canne Echo King à deux mains 13p soie 9 - 4 brins

Canne Echo King à deux mains 13p soie 9 - 4 brins

Canne Echo King à deux mains 13p soie 10 - 4 brins

Canne Echo King à deux mains 13p soie 10 - 4 brins